Want Equity? Then It’s Time to Break the Rules!

Over the past few months David Greco conducted a series of
workshops with grantmakers, as well as interviewed nonprofit
leaders working with marganized communities In detail, this article discusses the outcomes of the conversations taken place, reaffirmed the importance of changing both grantmaker and nonprofit practices that ultimately don’t support shared equity goals and priorities.

Author(s) : David Greco

Why Are We Still Struggling with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Nonprofit Governance?

Elizabeth Castillo transcribes Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) conference on November 16, 2018. The conferences examines why nonprofit governance is still struggling with diversification, equity, and inclusion. The three questions that were addressed are: what do you see as the three biggest issues that need to be addressed to increase diversity, why is this problem persisting, and what should be done?
Author(s) : Elizabeth A. Castillo

Inclusiveness at Work: How to Build Inclusive Nonprofit Organizations

From the authors: This workbook sets forth a suggested model and plan to assist nonprofit organizations in their efforts to become more inclusive. This workbook contains generalizations regarding both nonprofit organizations as a whole and the behaviors of different racial, ethnic, and social groups.In addition, this workbook addresses issues and provides examples of certain policies that may be impacted by applicable laws.
Author(s) : Katherine Pease & Associates – The Denver Foundation

Getting Involved in the Nonprofit Sector

From the authors: The Expanding Nonprofit Inclusiveness Initiative (ENII) is a project of The Denver Foundation. The mission of ENII is to enhance the effectiveness of Metro Denver’s nonprofit organizations by helping them become more inclusive of people of color. ENII hopes the information provided will serve as a useful resource for individuals who want to make a difference in their communities.

Author(s) : The Denver Foundation