Latinos LEAD will conduct special events periodically. Those can be found here.

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Past Events

Latino Nonprofit Board Leadership in Silicon Valley

Join us for our last event of the year on December 6, 2023, at Silicon Valley Capital Club for a presentation and discussion about the most extensive review ever conducted of Latinos in nonprofit governance and the 2023 Regional Nonprofit Report for San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties.

Date: Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Time: 8:000 a.m.

Location: Silicon Valley Capital Club 
50 W San Fernando St, San Jose, CA 95113

In San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, there are nearly 10,000 tax-exempt organizations that generate $33.3 billion in revenue. As per the 2023 Regional Nonprofit Landscape Report, most nonprofits have some level of work in addressing racial equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Boards Count! Inland Empire Briefing

This groundbreaking report is based on the Inland Empire regional findings of Boards Count!, a study examining Latino representation on nearly 2,000 nonprofit boards in 19 U.S. major metropolitan areas. The CIELO Fund at IECF is a partner with Latinos LEAD in this initiative.

Date: Thursday, September 21, 2023
Time: 1 to 2:30 p.m.

Location: Civil Rights Institute of Inland Southern California
3933 Mission Inn Avenue, Suite 103
Riverside, CA 92501

More than two-thirds of Inland Empire nonprofit boards lack meaningful Latino representation–despite the crucial societal role of these organizations in a region where Latinos make up 52% of the population.

Specifically, 41% of the Inland Empire nonprofit boards reviewed have no Latino

Latinos LEAD Executive Director to Present Pilot Project Report

Date: Saturday May 20 at 3:15 p.m.
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Denver
700 14th St, Denver, CO 80202

"Achieving Board Diversity: Navigating Complex Paths to Inclusion"

Latinos LEAD will share important lessons gleaned from LEAD with Intent, a pilot project designed to test several concepts in nonprofit governance diversity and inclusion. Many of these lessons contributed to significant changes in Latinos LEAD’s own governing board recruiting program. Come away able to navigate challenges that may arise during your organization’s efforts toward governing board diversity and inclusion.

Latinos LEAD will also be hosting an exhibit in the MuseumExpo at the Colorado Convention Center.

Leadership Briefing – Los Angeles

Date: 04-17-2023 | Time: 11:00 AM | MALDEF – 634 S Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90014
A high-level briefing for nonprofit, public sector, and Latino community leaders will direct a spotlight squarely on the lack of Latino nonprofit leaders in Los Angeles.

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