Please review carefully this profile and the board member roles/responsibilities when considering these board openings. Latinos LEAD will contact you for a preliminary interview if you meet the qualifications. Applications from strong candidates will be forwarded to the nonprofit organization for consideration.
At-Risk Children and Youth, Child Abuse and Neglect, Foster Care / Adoption, Juvenile Delinquency
Public Policy, Public Health, Philanthropy, HR and IT
San Francisco CASA transforms the lives of children and youth traumatized and displaced in the foster care and related systems by providing one consistent, caring volunteer advocate, trained to address each child’s needs in the court and community.
CASA was formed because a judge wanted one person in the courtroom to be knowledgeable about all aspects of a foster child’s life and to articulate what was best for the child. In 1991, SFCASA was founded to help meet the needs of vulnerable youth in foster care. Thirty-two years later, we have grown to an organization of 330+ volunteers, numerous partner agencies, and professionals dedicated to providing foster youth and juvenile-justice involved youth with the support and advocacy they need to reach their full potential. SFCASA is the only volunteer program in San Francisco that empowers everyday citizens to become officers of the court to serve as advocates and mentors to systems involved young people.
Our organization is unique in that our advocates have legal standing to access information about their youth in foster care, education and healthcare systems and provide semi-annual reports to the court with specific recommendations for services. Recommendations made by a CASA are made directly to the presiding judge, are highly valued and usually approved by the court because of the CASA’s comprehensive knowledge of the child. We are able to navigate the multiple complex systems and referral processes of other nonprofits so youth have access to the most appropriate resources available.
Major Responsibilities of Board Members:
San Francisco CASA welcomes applications and nominations of qualified individuals to join the organization’s board of directors, supporting the Executive Director to advance SFCASA’s mission to “…transform the lives of children and youth traumatized and displaced in the foster care and related systems by providing one consistent, caring volunteer advocate, trained to address each child’s needs in the court and community.” SFCASA’s current five-year strategic plan (2022-2027) commits the organization to advancing youth and family-centered advocacy to strengthen families; deepening support for young people in foster care; and sustaining and supporting the well-being of young people beyond formal systems involvement.
SFCASA is eager to meet candidates with expertise and/or access to networks of professionals including but not limited to human resources regulation and legal affairs, K-12 or higher education, behavioral health and health care, communications, or the media. Strong applicants and nominees will have demonstrated strategic thinking and collaboration in their professional work. SFCASA is particularly interested in considering individuals with personal experience with and/or professional knowledge of the foster care and juvenile justice systems. SFCASA Board Directors are highly engaged and have a very strong and mutually respectful working relationship with the executive team.
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